Download Qmiran

If you want to download Qmiran to your device, then go ahead!

Download the latest version of this application for Instagram and Facebook now. You will be able to know who visits your profile on these social networks.


qmiran app

Qmiran for Android

qmiran app androidThis App is compatible with Android devices and helps Instagram and Facebook users to have more control over their posts.

Application in English

q miranThe Qmiran interface is available in several languages, including English, so you can download the App here for free.

What is Qmiran?

It is a new App that allows us to know who visits our Instagram and Facebook profile. This application helps us to see in a safe and real way the statistics of visits that we receive in our publications of these social networks. Qmiran works, I tell you!

With Qmiran you will know how your contacts interact with your profiles and you will know which friends or acquaintances are interested in you. You can see the list of people who have visited your profile in the last 24 hours, in the last week, as well as the total number of visits in the last 30 days.

app download

Simply download the App from the download button on this page and connect it to your Instagram or Facebook account (Qmiran login). Qmiran will then start tracking visits to your profile and notify you whenever someone does. In this way, you will be able to know if your friends are browsing your profile, or you may simply want to know who is more popular among your contacts, this allows users to better understand the traffic on their social profiles.

This App gives you the option to obtain detailed statistics of the visits received by each user, including the total number of visits, the country of origin of the visitors, the device used and the duration of the visit. In addition, you can also see the last 50 profiles that the user has visited.

App Features

Below we detail the most interesting functions that you can get if you download Qmiran on your device.

  • Statistics of visits to your profile. This is undoubtedly the most outstanding function. You will know who and when have seen your photos and posts.
  • Information of changes. Qmiran notifies you if you have been blocked or have changed your profile.
  • Ranking in your publications. You will know which of your publications are most popular with a classification ordered according to likes and comments. You can also see which photos are the most popular with your followers and which ones they like the most.
  • Free app. You will not have to pay anything to download and install it on your mobile device.
  • Very simple and intuitive interface. Access all the functions of the application without problem because it is very easy to use.
  • Registration of connections. You will be able to see the activity connections of your contacts and know who is online at all times.
  • Consult content that your contacts have shared on social networks.
  • View photos uploaded by your friends. Do you even hide them!

q miras

Qmiran is free to download and use, so you have nothing to lose by trying it out. What are you waiting for to discover who visits your profile?

How to download Qmiran App

First of all, I want you to know that it is not an official application, therefore you will not find it in places like the Google Play Store. But don't worry, because below you have the way to download Qmiran for Android.

download latest version

Please check that your Android device has version 4.2 or higher before downloading the app, otherwise you won't be able to run it. If you don't know how to install it, I'll leave you a step-by-step tutorial below, it's very simple and you won't have any problems.

Requirements for downloading the file

Name Qmiran
Version V22
Developer Software Knights S.L.
Package es.softwareknights.qmiran
OS Android 4.0+
Size 17,3 MB
Updated A week ago


How to install Qmiran?

To install the Qmiran App on your device, you just have to follow the steps that I indicate below:

  1. Please download the app first from the link above.
  2. Once downloaded, you have to open the file and install the app.
  3. When it is installed, choose between Instagram or Facebook which social network you want to continue.
  4. Enter your data in the chosen one and wait a few minutes until the app updates the report.
  5. When the update is complete, a web page will automatically open in the browser you have on your device.
  6. The different options will be displayed on the screen of your mobile and you can start using the application.

Remember that although the application gives the option to log in to the two social networks (Instagram and Facebook), the operation of the service is via the web, so each report that the user obtains is through the page of each social network.

Update Qmiran to the latest version

If you want to update the Qmiran application to the latest version, you just have to do the following:

  • Download the latest version at the link above.
  • Find the downloaded file and install it. This will replace the old APP.
  • When it asks you to replace the older version, agree and continue.
  • Once the application is open you will already be in the latest version.
  • If you have any problem with the installation, just uninstall the previous version and install the APK file of the latest version.

Frequent questions

If you still have doubts, in this section you will find the most frequently asked questions that users usually ask about Qmiran. Read the answers and you will be able to solve your doubts, if your question is not among these, ask me in the comments section and I will answer it.

How does Qmiran work?

To use the app, users need to download it and sign in with their Instagram and Facebook accounts. The APP allows users of any of the two social networks to know who visits their profiles. Then, it will begin to generate and analyze a report on the social network you have chosen and will display a list of the users who have visited your profile the most in recent days.

Why is it useful to download the app?

The Qmiran app can be useful for users of both social networks who want to know who is interested in them or in their posts. It can also be useful for finding potential new followers as it shows who has been checking your profile frequently.

How to fix ‘Qmiran connection error’?

It’s very simple, follow the steps below to fix it:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Tap on Apps or Manage Apps
  3. Search for the Qmiran App
  4. Under ‘Mobile Data’ turn on: ‘Allow background data usage’.
  5. In Settings go to ‘Connections’, ‘Mobile Networks’, ‘Access Point Names’ and ‘Reset to Default’ Click on ‘Reset’.
  6. Then under ‘Network Mode’, select: LTE/3G/2G (automatic connection)
  7. And then simply restart your mobile, the problem will be solved!

Here is an explanatory video:


Is the APP free?

Yes, you can download Qmiran for free. Users can download it from the link above and log in with their Instagram or Facebook accounts at no cost.

What information does Qmiran provide?

Qmiran provides an ordered list of the users who have visited your profile the most in the last few days. This list includes the user’s name and image, as well as the number of times the user has visited the profile.

Can I use Qmiran without downloading?

No, in order to use the App you have to download and install it on your device.

Is the app secure?

Yes, it is completely safe, if you download it from the link above you will not have any problem. In addition, when installing it, it does not request any strange permission.

Is Qmiran available for PC?

Yes, if you want more information on how to download Qmiran on your PC, you can do it through this link.

4.4/5 - (5 votes)
  1. Qmiran for Android
  2. Application in English
  3. What is Qmiran?
    1. App Features
  4. How to download Qmiran App
    1. Requirements for downloading the file
  5. How to install Qmiran?
    1. Update Qmiran to the latest version
  6. Frequent questions
    1. How does Qmiran work?
    2. Why is it useful to download the app?
    3. How to fix 'Qmiran connection error'?
    4. Is the APP free?
    5. What information does Qmiran provide?
    6. Can I use Qmiran without downloading?
    7. Is the app secure?
    8. Is Qmiran available for PC?
  1. Sajjad says:

    Why is there no special version for the iPhone?

    1. qmiran says:

      The developers of the app have not yet released a version for this operating system, but don't rule out the possibility that it could be released in the near future.

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